
How to Draw Necklace

Necklaces could be beautiful bits of jewelry, and perhaps you've got a piece which is so beautiful you want to capture it in the more artistic way. Draw an image of your necklace on its holder. Drawing a necklace is a great way to practice your drawing skills and create a really pretty image.


Look for a reference by which to draw. It's really a picture or an actual necklace.

the typical model of the necklace holder first. Because every holder has such a different shape, you have to study yours thoroughly. If it is a square, sketch a square. If it is in the shape of a neckline, sketch an upside down triangular shape. Sketch an approximate line for the chain from the necklace along with a rough outline of the model of the charm if the necklace has one.

3、Study your necklace's chain. Study
the scale and shape of the hyperlinks and draw these on your own paper. If you want to get the maximum amount of detail as you possibly can, count the amount of links on your reference and ensure you include every link on your own drawing.

Draw in the detail of one's charm. Sketch any gems or stones in it and then any detail that surrounds the main piece.

Determine which areas of the reference are darkest. Shade in these areas on your own drawing by turning your pencil on its side and gripping it involving the thumb and forefinger with the eraser from the pencil under your wrist. Run your pencil backwards and forwards in the dark areas to create the consequence of shading. If you want, erase small places across the holder and necklace to create the effect of light reflecting off.

タグ :Draw Necklace

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Posted by yaling1234 at 15:22│Comments(0)women fashion

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